Secure Election Systems

Monday, August 06, 2007

F*&CK s**** Damn!!!

It all started with a lawsuit.

The ADA sued the State, "It's not right that disabled people should have to require assistance, they should be able to vote in private.".

Without provocation or public pressure, a suit was brought to decertify our tried and true paper ballot system. The suit was won by the plaintiffs, who were not acting on the behalf of the greater "differently abled" community.

The state allocated millions of taxpayers dollars to replace the "aged" punch card voting system and institute a brave new election world. All without the pressure of the greater public.

August 6, 2007 - California Secretary of State releases findings of Red Team testing. Most if not all electronic voting systems are decertified. Testing was performed without public input or public disclosure. Local elections officials were effectively frozen out of the testing process and given short notice on the results.

The state has once again thrown out tax payer dollars (16 million for one county). I ask, "Where is the proof that the majority wanted this?". For being in charge of elections, the State seems to have no interest in conducting fair and impartial surveys of the electorate. Coduct the survey or "Election" as they like, paper or electronic. But none-the-less, conduct a survey of the people.

I was no supporter of electronic voting from the get-go. I favored a conservative approach, using paper ballots until the technology matured. However, the state did not offer funding for that approach, only for e-voting. They forced the issue in the first place, and now it is up to the Counties and local taxpayers to foot the billfor their incompetence.

It's a sad world when the system that elects the officials is at the mercy and control of the elected officials. Next time you see this kind of shit happen, please think of this... If one elected official can be elected because "His brother rigged the Diebold machines", why is it okay for another elected official to dictate what machines you vote on?